Yesterday Apple annouced an new application in their iLife Suite. It's called iWeb. It makes it very easy for mac users to make blogs, podcasts, something they are calling photo casting, and even vlogs or what they call "video podcasting". What do I think about this.

Pro's: EXTREMELY EASY to make your vlogs, podcasts and blogs using Apple's new software. This is great for those of you who are trying to get into it, but haven't figured it all out with RSS enclosers and the like.


1. It isn't remote. That means you have to have the program running on one computer all the time. If you re moving around and you want to update your podcast or blog from diffrent machines, ie.e school or office or home. Sorry not gonna work.

2. You HAVE to have a .Mac account to use this software. I can't publish this stuff to my own webserrver. Now if you are doing vlogs and podcasts, thet first 100mb with .Mac is gonna go fast.

3. Apple users only can use this. Sorry windows users.

Summary, if you wanna get started with vlogging and podcasting, this is a great solution, but if you want to continue, I don't see this as a viable option for you.

Apple's demo on video podcasing wit iWeb