Adobe has been really busy this past month. The big news is that Adobe has bought Macromedia. For those of you who don't know, that means the company that makes Photoshop (and lots of other imaging apps) has bought the company that makes Flash. It will be very interesting to see what they will do with the products in the coming year. I'm a big fan of both Macromedia's software and Adobe's software, but these kind of changes are always a little scary to hear. The applications I know and love, and use every day for business, may not be around after a shake up like this. To read more check out Adobe's press release.

More big news from Adobe is the release of a new version of it's Creative Suite of Applications. This includes upgrades to Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, GoLive and Acrobat. There are some really cool features that have been added to this upgrade, especially to the Photoshop. And to see some of these new features in action with video, goto the NAPP's website.
