Are you looking for a #freetoplay version of Minecraft? If so, let me recommend another voxel sandbox game called Creativerse. There are lots of similarities between thee two games, with each having some pros and cons.

Let me first start by saying that visually Creativerse is grades above Minecraft. Sleek, beautiful, playful block designs allow for some fantastic creative creations to be made. The biomes and mobs in Creativerse give a real feeling of ecosystem. Something that only comes in using Mods on Minecraft.

The lack of MODS is one major factor against Creativerse at the moment. Creativerse's freetoplay, paytowin business strategy would threaten these mods. At least in the current state of buying coins for different design packs. This could allow Playful (Creativerse Designers) to open up the platform to allow mod devs to earn coins and create a real ecosystem in the game. Time will tell, what they decide.

We are currently doing a "Let's Play" on GMVR. The ability to be able to easily connect together in a multiplayer world was something that Minecraft was missing. Creativerse has a number of tools to help against trolling, private play or just playing with a closed group of friends.

GMVR gives 4 out of 5 shrooms to this game. Go and try it for yourself.

About The Game [via Wikia]

Creativerse is a block-based online sandbox game developed by Playful Corp. The game has been released on May 8th 2017 on Steam free to play with optional pay-content, but is still being extended by its developers.

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