It has been a few years since I took a break from vlogging. A lot of fans from the past have been asking me, when are you gonna do something again? Well, at long last, my next videoblog project is here.

GMVR is a new Youtube Channel that I have created together with my good friend The Case. How did this channel come about? It started with a simple question.

What does your perfect Monday look like? This was the question I was asked during orientation at the recruiting agency Maandag. I was recently hired through Maandag to teach Game Art at Media College Amsterdam. There were a couple of other teachers in the room. Common answers were, "To get a great start on the week, and really inspire the students." Or, "I'm feeling great after the weekend and I know what I have to do, and get started fresh on it all." We were asked to be honest, and those answers seemed like brown nosing. We it came to me, I answered, "My perfect Monday is getting up late, having a large breakfast and then play games the rest of the day." That's a perfect Monday in my book. The answer got some laughs, but I was being sincere.

My dear friend 'The Case' has been battling depression for a long time. A couple years ago we decided to get together on Mondays, and brainstorm on projects. A couple of interesting games came out of those Mondays with The Case. However, once his depression made it difficult to work, we decided to put projects on hold. At his birthday a few months back, I told him about the question, "What does your perfect monday look like?" Playing games sounded like a great Monday for him as well. So we decided to start GMVR.

Every Monday, we get together and play games. We decided to start to record the sessions and make a Youtube Channel out of it. I mean who doesn't want to watch two Award Winning Game Designers, play games? Okay probably a lot of people, but we figure there are some out there who will enjoy our videos as much as we enjoy making them.

We choose games that are not your typical violent point and shoot type games. We try to look at games that have some interesting educational aspects, or they are just beautifully designed experiences. If you are looking for games to play, have a look at our channel and see which ones you may like. Please, make sure to Subscribe to GMVR.

GMVR, That's where The Game starts!

We are playing the indie Video Game for Mac + PC called Remembering from Monobanda. Next Episode: Wanna play the game? You can contact us via any of these social networks: Facebook Twitter Google+ For business enquirers email
