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A bike ride to Guggenheim in bilbao

video by Amsterdamize

Last month when I went to moderate a session about online video in Bilbao for the nonick conference. the day after the conference, Marc from Amsterdamize and I rented a couple bikes from the hotel to go explore the city. This video Marc edited as a part1 of that wonderful day we had together. I know he is working on more, with some fun action shots through Bilbao, but this sets a nice tone for the day.

If you do goto Bilbao, I highly recommend checking out The Guggenheim Museum. Besides being an amazing building, I really loved the exhibitions they had there. Marc and I spent close to 4-5 hours in the museum hanging around and checking out the work. At the moment they have some amazing Video Art pieces that you can sit and literally loose yourself in for hours. If you were not stoned before going in, the effects of these films will transport you to that state. Then head up to the top floor to see Murakami. An awesome artist that has been highly influenced by popular culture in Japan such as Anime, Manga as well as traditional artists. If you are into Anime, contemporary art or Asian culture, this exhibition is for you!

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Social Network fatigue? Proxy Networking the answer

Last week at Webcom in Montreal I met a lot of great people, and saw some old friends. One of the friends I got to catch up with is Marc Canter. Now Marc has always been ahead of the curve. He was making the first synthesizers himself. He created Director to be able to create his multi-media musical extravaganza art pieces and performances. Director later became Flash and then Macromedia (now Adobe). Since then he's been doing a lot as well as building the first social networks that we know today.

Marc has been a Paul Revere when it comes to open information, and allowing the users to choose what information goes where rather than the networks we give the information to. When I traveled to MIPTV a couple years ago we shared a cab from Nice to Cannes. While in the cab I asked him why he was doing so much work for Open internet and information. He told me that because he made Flash proprietary, he was paying for his sins now by going the other way. I guess it is kinda like when a smoker stops smoking, they are worst non-smokers than the people who never smoked.

In any case, we got to have dinner in Montreal together with Patrick Chanezon from Google. Marc was talking about all kinds of stuff with me and Patrick. One of the stories that really got me excited was the idea that his wife did with the teacher and class using BroadBand Mechanics tools. Broadband Mechanics is the current company Marc has built which is a Social Network tool set and service. The service is being used by a number of big clients such as some government groups, education institutes, media corporations, and non-profit organizations, as well as ordinary people because it is free. Although if you want to custom stuff, that will cost money. Which is a sound business plan as long as there are not too many glitches in the source matrix.

In any case Marc explained this idea using his wife's story as an example in what I can only refer to as "Proxy Social Networking". I'll try to explain. Imagine I start a Social Network for some of my classes. I know that a number of my students understand the social networks, but maybe not all want to get on it right away. On this social network I could be placing assignments, links, photos, a knowledgebase in a way. Other students could be uploading the homework, interacting with each other on assignments, etc. etc. Now when I create the network, I add all my students in with a profile. After a while those students who didn't want to be on the network at the start, can evaluate the added value and then decide to join on. However when they do join on, they already have thier profile setup with credits in assignments, videos, etc. Half the work was already done for them.

Now this becomes even more interesting when you think of a talk that (I think Robbert Scobble but I could be wrong) did at Next Web last year. He explained that sites like twitter, facebook, and other social media sites are no fun if you have no friends. Kinda like in life I guess. Well except for freaky porn sites. You don't really want to have too many friends on theier when you first enter. Along the way fine, depending on your preference. But I digress... But there is a point that twitter, and the like only become fun once you have a few friends already.

Now to get rid of a lot of Social Network fatigue that people are getting nowadays, this could be the solution. I mean, to go and invest in porting sections of my firends to a new social network service is a big undertaking nowadays. I mean, do I really have too? That's what a lot of people think. At least in an older generation. It turns into Social Network Fatigue. However if I join and there are already friends there filled in as well as stuff I was in, such as in the example when my students decide to join, that fatigue goes down real fast.

So by allowing people to create Social Networks with the ability to Proxy members, this could be a way that prevents the fatigue that users experience when entering the network. Now if I could only find a way to do this with new girlfriends and meeting my family, that would be excellent! Or as as Marc van Woudenberg says, integrating illegitimate brothers and sisters.

Here is an interview with Marc Canter at Picnic



Our present become echos of our past online

After coming back from Webcom where I gave a presentation on Virtual Immortality, I opened up my monthly photojojo time capsule and am floored yet again. This month I see pics from when Nuno and Nikki came to visit last year. I just got back from visiting them in Canada this weekend.

Not only that but I see pics of the wedding of Hans and Neltje from last year, on a boat where this week other friends of mine will be getting married on that exact same boat.

I twittered earlier that "blogging allows me to appreciate the present, by allowing me to see through my eyes in the future, and appreciate the past which is now." Now I realize that everything becomes more cyclical in life than I had realized. As I said in my talk in Montreal, "THE APPLICATIONS AND DATA WE CREATE TODAY WILL BE OUR COMMUNICATION WITH FUTURE CULTURES AND BEINGS," and now I beleive ourselves as well.



Interview from Vincent Everts

Vincent Everts is a trendwatcher and tech guru here in Holland. Last week I went over to his house to "catch up". I've got a video interview of him is coming as well. Just need to finish some videos for The Next Web first.

GabeMac, how much he learned from his Vodcast business errors?

"Gabemac is one of the first passionate vodcasters I know. He started in 2003 and has been an video enterpreneur since 9 years. He build huge audiences with his XoloTV, started to build a software platform for videocasting, that failed, he went to spain and did a daily show on which drew millions. Now he is back in amsterdam, does Viral Video Creative Consultanting, creates video's (for thenextweb amoung others) and plans his next show & exciting venture. What did he learn from his mistakes since he said he made many. It was a little hard because he continiouly talkes about his strength (passion, creativaty etc) rather then his lessons learns but in the end they show up. Who is Gabriel"



Conference tours

Well it looks like there are a lot of conferences coming up in the next couple of months. So far I will be attending and speaking at the following conferences. If you are in the area, drop me a line on twitter or email. Always looking to meet up with people. Israel: (March 26-31) Kinnernet 2009 COM. Vention 2009 Speaking about Viral Marketing, showing off my Wii VJ project and some more fun stuff.

Spain, Bilbao: (April 24,25) Nonick conference Moderating a panel for Online Video with Pim Betist (, Nir Ofir (, Marc van Woudenberg (Amsterdamize) and others.

Montreal: (May 13) Webcon 2009 Talking about Virtual Immortality and our digital identities from a digital anthropological viewpoint.

I hope to see you at one of them at least!



Review from Rockstars of the web

clog blog :

It was the last presenter who made us all sit up and take notice at the end of this nine-hour blog-fest: Gabe Mac, self-proclaimed Bad Mother Vlogger, took the day’s Rockstar theme to the extreme as he pranced around the stage to a funky remix of a classic Scottish pipes tune. He wore streaks of blusher, serious eye make-up and twanged his Wii Air Guitar madly. He had our full attention. His siren of a sidekick sported bright red stilettos and figure-hugging leggings, dancing about him with a giant video camera, causing the feminists in the audience to tut tut and shake their heads. I think that was the point. Then Gabe Mac toked on a spliff rolled for him on stage by Stiletto Chick, crooning “good stuff, baby”, and any thoughts of audience fatigue left the room. Like him or hate him, we wouldn’t be bored by him.
Gabe Mac told us his vlogging evolution story which suitably began in Amsterdam but is now based in Madrid. We watched some of his own favourite posts and tolerated his thespian arrogance and shameless self-promotion. In summary, I think Gabe Mac was acting his pants off for us, but can’t really be sure, just that off-stage he seemed like a much quieter soul than he was projecting to us in his presentation. You probably need to decide for yourself whether or not he’s worth watching. Check the link at the end of this post to see what this Bad Mother Vlogger is all about.

Here is a small video



Rockstars of the Web

GabeMac Rockstar of the Web
GabeMac Rockstar of the Web

On October 24th I will be in Amsterdam giving a presentation for Blog08 "Rockstars of the Web". All I will say right now is that this presentation will be inlike any other you have seen me do, or anything that will be done at the conference. Let's just say it will be incredibly entertaining and informative at the same time. I've got some stories of what happend off camera, tips and tricks. So come to Amsterdam on October 24th, and I will probably also be doing a live recodring of Mobuzz.TV if you want to be a part of the show.



Teaching Video Blogging in Amsterdam


If you are into Theater and Video, this is going to be very cool. The TF (Theater Festival) organization is looking for students and creatives to Video Blog the Theater Festival in Amsterdam this September. As training I will be giving a 2 day workshop to at the Machouse in Amsterdam on the 21 and 22 of August to those that want to participate.

We will be going through everything from camera work, sound, live moblogging, review of various video sharing sites and more. It will be 2 days of non-stop Video Blogging tips, tricks and techniques. So if you are interested got to this site for more info or email Carolien Labib [ carolien (AT) ] to sign up. The course will be in English, because my Dutch is slipping away. Sign up quickly while there is still space.