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Greenpeace is going nuts in Holland!

I just heard from an inside source that Greenpeace has placed a container of radioactive waste in the front hall of VROM. VROM is the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment for the Netherlands. Workers at VROM are scared to leave as they may pass by the radioactive waste. They are basically trapped. Greenpeace is leaving the waste at VROM until 17:00 today but are hoping that Deputy Minister Van Geel officially accept this "gift" from Greeenpeace.

Aparently the Deputy Minister is going accept the gift in a couple of hours @ 17:30. Another bit of news, those "Ambtenaars" (Dutch word for government workers) are so stupid, there were a number of them just standing around the container talking and drinking coffee after they recorded enough radiation within 6 feet of the container to be dangerous. HELOOOOO!!!!!!



Mindcaster is Wanted!!!

Reading through my daily dutch news I see my good buddy Marc turns out to be a wanted hacker!!! Oh my god! I turned to Marc here in the office and said, "Dude, you're wanted! The cops have busted into your home and all!"

"What?, Where?"

"Here look on my laptop!" He looked shit scared for a second. Then we clicked and all was revealed. [Binnenland]



Going to Germany to have MINI fun


So Gabe B and I are travelling today to Leipzig, Germany for the Mini experience at the AMI (Auto Motor International).
Mini is sending us to go vlog there. We've got lotsof tapes, mic, and I'm about to go get a funky haircut. I think it should be pretty cool. German Blogger Thomas Gigold will be showing us around, because we are a bit green. In any case if you wanna check out the vlogfest check out,

Cause lets face it…

Sending me & Gabe to a German auto convention...

With the freedom to vloggin’ vlog what ever they want...

Could be vloggin’ interesting.



Lucas, "we need crack!!!" and he gives it to us! New Star Wars TV shows announced

BBC NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Star Wars TV 'saviour for fans': "With Rick McCallum (Producer of Star Wars for those that didn't know) saying they are going to be making over 100 hours of a new Star Wars TV show.

So that's what the BBC is reporting. Oh man at least 100 hours of new episodes. My god!!! LEt's see we've already got the Animated series, 6 films, enough making of's to throw us into a coma, and now 100 hours of a TV series that's going to be released of Star Wars!!! I'm going to have to go on sick leave for 2 weeks just to make a decent Star Wars marathon...

On the other hand Lucas at the same time is saying that Big Budget films are doomed. "The market forces that exist today make it unrealistic to spend $200 million on a movie. Those movies can't make their money back anymore. Look at what happened with 'King Kong.'"

But what I think is the kicker is when he says, "it's no accident that the "small movies" outclassed the spectaculars in this year's Academy Awards. Is that good for the business? No — it's bad for the business. But moviemaking isn't about business. It's about art!" Right Luke! It's about Vlogging and the force is with us!!! I can't wait for the first multi-million dollar vlog. That would be hilarious.


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augmented reality

Dailymotion blogged video
augmented reality
Video sent by mindcaster
" The Handheld AR project extended from PDAs to Smartphones. In March 2006 we created a simple demo that shows our technology on an i-mate SP5 phone.

This demo shows an animated character rendered live on an ARToolKitPlus marker."

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Minister Verdronk is really getting nasty

I'm sure many of you who watch the Dutch television of heard of Minister Verdonk (Verdronk) the Minister of Alien Affairs and Integration , and her incredible right wing approach to immigration in the Netherlands. I'm sorry I cannot take this woman seriously. Let's look at the last copule of acts she has tried or has passed:
- She tried to pass a fine to anyone who public spoke any other language other than Dutch. Yeah that's gret for the tourist inducstry. Thank goodness this was laughed out.
- She deported Taida Pasic (18 year old girl) just a few months before she could get her highschool degree, becuase there were some forms improperly filled out. Now she has to go back Kosovo where she probably won't get as good a diploma or education.

So now Verdronk says all Iranian Gay and Lesbian refugees can go back to Iran, becvuase it's safe for them there again. Huh? (Check this link on Human Rights Watch) Well if you consider the death penalty to be safe Verdronk, I guess so. How does this woman sleep at night. I really wish we could just drop her in the middle of some foreign country and have her try and find her way cak to the Netherlands. Then maybe she would understand what it's like to be a foriegner.

For those of you who feel that Verdrtonk is right and too many Aliens are penetrating Holland, I say go try and take the Dutch Citizenship Test to see if you pass to be Dutch or not.

Netherlands: Threat to Return Gay and Lesbian Iranians (Human Rights Watch, 8-3-2006)


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Dutch Bloggies 2006

Originally uploaded by Guido van Nispen.

A few weeks ago Frank from "frank-ly" asked me to do the videos for the Dutch Bloggie Awards 2006. It wasn't like I didn't have a shit load to do with moving myself and helping Bauer move, besides trying to earn a living, but we said ok. The films were a big hit at the awards, and we will be putting them online this week over at the XOLO.TV vlog. I hope you all enjoy them.

For more pics from the event, check the flickr photo pool dutch bloggies 2006.

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Advertsing in the sand? What's next?

I came across Beach n billboard via trndblog. It seems like a simple idea. Get yourself a tractor and start plowing the beach with ads. But who owns the beach? And what will happen to my wonderful beach views on vacation? Some advertising goes way to far in my mind. I'm just wondering what will be next? I mean when I go to the beach now I have the skywriters in the air, the bach ads in the sand, the billboards walking to the beach. I'm just waiting for some big ass tankers to start putting ads on the side of the boats when I'm swimming in the sea. I guess I'll just go m ake my own island out of coke cans and be done with it all.