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Presentation Technique New Course Early Bird Sale


Presentation Technique New Course Early Bird Sale

Get the Early Bird Discount For Our New Course

I am excited to announce the launch of a brand new course to The Game Beyond Online School. For over 15 years my Presentation Technique has been a big success with both students and teachers in Europe. Many former students and teachers have told me how much this course has helped them get over the fear of public speaking, and become better presenters.


Cheat sheet graphic dimensions for Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Twibbon


Cheat sheet graphic dimensions for Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Twibbon


I often have to co-ordinate campaigns across multiple Social Media Platforms for clients. To make sure the graphics are delivered correctly I made this list. This cheat sheet has the graphic requirements for the sites Facebook, Twitter, Twibbon and Youtube. The list has the height and width, maximum upload size as well as other notes. I hope this free list helps you Make Epic Shit! If it does, give me a tweet or a Like.


The Lovie Award Winners Announced


The Lovie Award Winners Announced


A couple of weeks ago I was spending 3-5 hours daily for a week and a half judging for The Lovie Awards. I was judging Video, Montage, Game DEsign and a couple of other subjects like best web personality. It was a lot of work going through all the entries. Some were absolute crap, but others were exceptional. Overall I would say the quality was more towards the good than towards the ugly. And it's all EUROPE!!! At least that's what the Lovie's say. There is an amazing amount of creative talent, design, creativity and production Europe has to offer. The Lovie Awards really show the best of what Europe has to offer. If you have some time to kill and are tired of 9gag or I-am-bored, hop on over and have a look at the winners. Let me know if you think they should have won or not. The Lovie Awards.


Gabe Mac for Hire


Gabe Mac for Hire

After 3 years it is time for me to take a different path from Indie. It has not been an easy decision for me to leave. I really love my co-workers who are an amazing group of people. I will also miss the opportunities that Indie has given me in pushing the boundaries of advertising. When I first came to Indie I had no idea what really went on in an Ad Agency. It was soon apparent that I was not a usual fit for an agency...

I love hats. Indie allowed me to wear a bunch with a variety of roles under the title Head of Innovation. I've enjoyed designing games, directing and editing films, being the english voice on Indie's films, developing digital strategies, programming applications, concepting campaigns, designing webpages, new biz development, producing presentations and every now and again cooking a large feast for the team.

In my time at Indie I have learned a lot about marketing and advertising from the Indie team. I'm very grateful to have had this chance to learn from incredibly talented and experienced advertising legends.

I see lots of changes happening in advertising. With new technologies emerging, there is an enormous challenge for agencies to adapt slow reacting clients to these changes. Ultimately, I don't believe that the traditional ad agency will thrive. With the speed at which technology is changing the game, those agencies which do not adapt to working like a technology start-up will be left behind. This is why I have decided to become a freelance consultant.

For professional reasons I want to be a bee flying onto a variety of flowers to cross-pollinate ideas. For that I need to open myself up to working on projects with a variety of different companies and technologies. I have first hand experience with using game design in marketing. I would love to help new markets with these insights.

Could I help you? Let me know!

Send me a quick email

Gabe Mac
