Gabe Mac

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Dreaming of Leia

I don't know about you, but to me a woman dressed up0 like Princess Leia from Jedi is about the hottest thing in the world. I mean I can honestly say that's when I first felt the urge to have an erection as a kid when I saw jedi. Ok that and Olivia Newton John's Get Physical video. Not sure why Olivia did that to me, maybe I was into the movie Xanadu to much at the time. In any case, it's humpday, er so I figured a little pick me up to get me through the week. A perfect leia search. So here are some pics, and come join me as we oggle, er um view the dream of som many 30-25 year olds. Asian Leia (maybe to Asian, but I have a soft spot for Asian women) Ok the one on the right isn't what I'm looking at, the one on the left is almost a dead ringer for Leia though. leia-9.jpg Nice but not quite sure I could handle her. Looks like this leia has a taste for expensive black cars, kinda MIB style. To much alien for me. leia-7.jpg

Ok. This is it. Is this Olivia Munn from Attack of the Show? Ok, I'm sold this is my new Leia pinup girl. Wallpaper activated!


Oh m an, someday if I dream hard enough maybe I could be Skywalker Hefner for a party. I know, my next b-day is women in leia costumes only party. Dudes can come as jedi of choice. leia-23.jpg